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Jodie Chapman

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January 25, 2007



Sounds like it will be an incredible trip. The weather in San Francisco in Sept/Oct is absolutely ideal. If you need any Cali/SF/San Diego recs (there's a little shop I always find cute vintages dresses in and tons of cute vintage shops in Santa Barbara), drop me a line!


The Oregon coast is not to be missed! Some of the most breathtaking rugged coastline in the world. And when you stop for a rest in Portland, there is vintage shopping galore and loads of great resturants way more affordable than many big cites. Email me for a list of "must sees" when you decide if you will stop in Portland and Seattle! Sounds SO fun!


That sounds like a great trip! Have you checked out any couch-surfer websites? I know friends of mine here in LA are on one and had a couple from England and a Welsh cousin on their living room for about a week and good time was had by all. You might be able to save some money that way. And I highly recommend you go through Austin instead of Dallas. So much younger and more fun. Live music playing somewhere in Austin 24 hours a day, great food, art scene, everything. Life's too short to live in Dallas. :)


Hey there! Did you know that you're the featured blog on typepad?


My Mister and I are thinking of doing something similar in the UK this fall! Except that it is so expensive there that we will most likely walk/bus/ferry/camp/hostel it instead of renting a car or staying in motels. Your trip has me excited for my trip!


Oooh! Hubby and I drove from NY to Seattle when we moved out here and it was the most amazing experience of my life! I agree with twirlgirl, the Oregon Coast is stunning (I might be biased- I live an hour from it)! Seattle is fabulous, Puget Sound is incredible and worth the trip! If you can swing it, a trip to Yellowstone is highly recommended. We only spent a day there and could have spent weeks! Going back this September... can't wait to hear more about your plans!


the road trip sounds like SO much fun! i've been dreaming of a cross-country road trip... can't wait to hear about it.
new orleans will be lovely in september... let me know if you want restaurant recommendations :)


I would love to do a road trip like that! I love traveling and have done a fair share of roadtrips in my day. I would definitely suggest going through Tennessee. It's mountainous and so beautiful.

It's too bad you can't go down into Florida because the gulf side has some beautiful beaches. Just south of Tampa there is a beach called Siesta Key, it's gorgeous. White sugary sandy beaches with turquoise waters. Beautiful.

I would also suggest since you are going to be in Arizona you should definitely see the Grand Canyon. It's very beautiful.

Don't drive through Iowa, it's very boring, I used to live there during college.

Southeastern Minnesota and Southwestern Wisconsin is very hilly and can be very beautiful especially if you drive through when the leaves are changing. The best color is usually beginning or middle of October.

Chicago is an awesome town. I would suggest stopping at the Art Museum in the Loop. That's my favorite museum of all time. I could spend days and days in there. They have the most superb impressionism exhibit.

Make sure you drive through upper Pennsylvannia. It's very moutainous and beautiful.

Well, I think I've offered enough of my opinion. :)

Miss. Jennifer

I've been enjoying your writings for a while and even have your site listed as a favorite link on my own blog (see link.) I just did the same drive with my fiance and would highly recommend visiting Santa Fe, New Mexico if you can. Especially if you are into vintage turquoise. It's like a little pueblo-gone Disneyland village and was our favorite stop in the whole country, aside from Nashville, and Pigeon Forge, Tenn (home of Dollywood!!!) Have an amazing trip and also, in Texas try to stop at the Big Texan Steak House in Amarillo for the best tacky souvenirs ever!!! - Jenn


Fun! I am dying to do such a trip, but we are too late, we have munchkins who would dramatically alter the trip. So we wait for a better time!

Don't miss Portland! I would absolutely visit there if I could!!


Fun! I am dying to do such a trip, but we are too late, we have munchkins who would dramatically alter the trip. So we wait for a better time!

Don't miss Portland! I would absolutely visit there if I could!!


this sounds like SO much fun! send me a postcard and be sure to let me know if you will be in NYC!!


There is a town called San Luis Obispo (just a couple of hours North of Santa Barbara) where you have to stop and visit The Madonna Inn, it is the most outrageously wacky hotel and restaurant that I have ever seen!
I would definitely recommend driving up the California coast into Oregon. The scenery is gorgeous! Especially the Redwoods located in the very Northern part of California near the Oregon border.
Portland is a must see for anyone into vintage, handmade and books! We have a huge new and used bookstore called Powells here.
Vancouver B.C. is fantastic! It has the best of the city and the outdoors all in one amazing setting!
If you decide to stop in Portland email me and I will let you know of some of my favorite places!


I am SO jealous! How long are you planning it for? I want to know everything! I would love to do this too, but with a 6 y/o I'm not sure it will happen!
Let me know all about it though, so I can fantasise about doing it too!


this sounds so much fun! i bet you both will have lots of great time driving across the country!!!!! :) r u guys going to make a stop here in city of angels?

Libby G

Hi there! I just discovered your blog today, and I really enjoy it. I also have some suggestions about your trip across the States...
I live in Knoxville, Tennessee, and I agree with a previous comment - TN is beautiful and not to be missed. I also agree with the comment about visiting Austin instead of Dallas. I lived in Austin for 3 years, and it is a great place to be...allot better than Dallas if you ask me. If my family lived closer to TX, I'd still be there myself!
One place that hasn't been mentioned yet that you really should add to your schedule is Arches National Park in Utah. It is unreal...I've never seen anything like it! And the whole state of Utah is just gorgeous. I've been on lots of road trips across the country, and it's by far my favorite state to drive through. Here's a link if you want to check it out:
I hope you have a wonderful trip!!

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Favourite Films

  • The Great Escape
  • Room with a View
  • Rebecca
  • The Last Waltz
  • This is Spinal Tap
  • Roman Holiday
  • Gaslight
  • Singin in the Rain
  • Gaslight
  • Kind Hearts and Coronets
  • Manhattan
  • Annie Hall
  • In the Mood for Love
  • Gosford Park
  • The Godfather I & II
  • Jean de Florette / Manon des Sources
  • Sunset Boulevard
  • The Apartment
  • 12 Angry Men
  • It's a Wonderful Life
  • Gone With the Wind

Favourite Music

  • Regina Spektor
  • Bruce Springsteen
  • Bob Dylan
  • The Band
  • Patrick Wolf
  • Arcade Fire